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Home   I   Mission   I   Utilities and automatism

Your installation is supposedly automatic but you need operating it manually? Equipments cycle on/off permanently without any reason? Your energy ratios are high despite an efficient installation design? The cold starts next to plant shut-off are difficult? You get a lot of equipment failure/breaking? The quality of the fluids delivered is poor?


You're certainly a victim, as often, of a poor automatism program but still carried out by companies well known. Next to our experience of installations tuning and our knowledge about energies, we can propose an upgrade of your automatism or a brand new program if necessary.


This kind of mission starts from an inventory of the problems figured out by graphics and quantifications of the disorders you are victim of. This step gives you a savings amount expected by a re-programing.

Next to the previous step, a functional analysis will allow our partner automation specialist to re-program your utilities to be entitled to better themselves. You're obviously owner of the new program after validation. Furthermore, we accept to be paid based on measured efficiencies. We keep in charge also writing down the new installation manual after re-programing.


The most recent experience relates to a 9 000 kW refrigeration installation yet made a specialized company that doesn't entirely satisfactory from the point of view of the operation (cycling temperatures, compressors short cycles,…) and efficiencies. Reprogramming has to work with two to three times less compressors incurred as periods, drastically reduce consumption of devices operating variable frequency drive yet in place but not used for a long time. We finally have a system response able to keep the desired temperature and the distribution network flows.

Furthermore, the installation operating is now fully automatic, even some equipments are not available (but redundant). Even a part of the process was revised to less jerks on the use of refrigeration with beneficial consequences for the upstream cascade process (reverse osmosis station). In short, using exactly the same equipment, we went from a lame operating, more or less manual to a completely smooth and fully automatic operating with optimal performances.

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