Scope of the prediagnosis mission
The main goal of such a mission is to approach energy saving ways
This type of mission allows us to list and quantify actions for achieving energy consumption reduction.
Mission perimeter :
All utilities, from primary energies (like fuel oil, natural gas, coal, electricity), through manufactured energies (like steam, ice water, glycol water, air conditioning, compressed air, vacuum, heat recoveries, and so on…) up to processes.
Main goals :
Through this type of mission, we estimate, by calculations and punctual measurements, the global optimization potential and deduct a global pay back item by item by solution pre-quoting.
Next to this phase, we define a timeline of missions to be performed to reach savings targets and pay backs.
This type of mission allows our clients to make an inventory of fixtures of their utilities and putting them into current energies context. We check also quality of these utilities installations execution and maintenance

Detailed tool based Diagnosis
Scope of the Diagnosis mission :
Most of the time done next to the pre-diagnosis, it focuses onto the potentials identified in the pre-diagnosis study.
Based on accurate measurements, it allows to go deeper in calculations to validate saving estimates done in the prediagnosis.
But this mission can be done separately of the pre-diagnosis.
Mission perimeter :
The perimeter can be extended as needed. It can include the whole utilities building or only just an energy vector.
Main goals :
We use measurements as bases for making a detailed inventory of fixtures of running conditions, efficiencies, and maintenance of your installations.
Measurements allow to elaborate operation costs item by item (steam, ice water, and so on….)
The measurements allow us :
to determinate technical issues to be performed,
to demonstrate technical solutions proposed,
to quote the savings related,
to estimate investments to be done for achieving the savings,
to calculate the pay back of each solution proposed in the study.